Exit and clear survey default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. JOB SEARCH VISA APPLICATION DECLARATION OF EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR IEFP REGISTRATION Article 57a of Law No 23/2007 of 4 July 2007, as amendedArticle 23c of Regulatory Decree No 84/2007 of 5 November 2007, as amended I, identified below, declare that after entering Portuguese territory I intend to register with the Institute of Employment and Vocational Training to look for work. All fields are mandatory. Personal data must be filled in as set out in the Passport. (This question is mandatory) First Names (This question is mandatory) Surnames (This question is mandatory) Date of Birth Answer must be less or equal to 2007-03-29 Date format: yyyy-mm-dd Open date/time selector Format: yyyy-mm-dd 1900-01-01 2007-03-29 YYYY-MM-DD (This question is mandatory) Nr of passport (This question is mandatory) Emission date Answer must be less or equal to 2025-03-29 Date format: yyyy-mm-dd Open date/time selector Format: yyyy-mm-dd 1900-01-01 2025-03-29 YYYY-MM-DD (This question is mandatory) Vality date Answer must be between 2025-03-30 and 2050-12-31 Date format: yyyy-mm-dd Open date/time selector Format: yyyy-mm-dd 2025-03-30 2050-12-31 YYYY-MM-DD (This question is mandatory) Nationality Choose one of the following answers Please choose... AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANGOLA ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA ARZERBEIJÃO AUSTRALIA BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELIZE BENIN BERMUDA BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA-HERZGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA/KAMPUCHEA CAMEROON CANADA CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CÔTE D’IVOIRE CUBA DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC EAST TIMOR ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ETHIOPIA FIJI GABON GEORGIA GHANA GREEN CABLE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HONG KONG IEMEN INDIA INDONESIA IRAN IRAQ ISRAEL JAMAICA JAPAN JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAOS LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYA MACAU MACEDONIA MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATE) MOLDOVA MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA OMAN OTHER PAKISTAN PALAU PANAMA PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA RUSSIA RWANDA SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS SAINT LUCIA SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SRI LANKA SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SYRIA TAIWAN TAJIKISTAN THAILAND THE COSTA RICAN THE GAMBIA THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC DEM. FROM KOREA TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA URUGUAY UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VATICAN CITY VENEZUELA VIETNAM ZAIRE (REPUBLIC DEM. FROM THE CONGO) ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE (This question is mandatory) Country of residence Choose one of the following answers Please choose... AFGHANISTAN ALBANIA ALGERIA ANDORRA ANGOLA ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA ARGENTINA ARMENIA ARZERBEIJÃO AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA BAHAMAS BAHRAIN BANGLADESH BARBADOS BELARUS BELGIUM BELIZE BENIN BERMUDA BHUTAN BOLIVIA BOSNIA-HERZGOVINA BOTSWANA BRAZIL BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BULGARIA BURKINA FASO BURUNDI CAMBODIA/KAMPUCHEA CAMEROON CANADA CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC CHAD CHILE CHINA COLOMBIA COMOROS CONGO CÔTE D’IVOIRE CROATIA CUBA CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK DJIBOUTI DOMINICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC EAST TIMOR ECUADOR EGYPT EL SALVADOR EQUATORIAL GUINEA ERITREA ESTONIA ETHIOPIA FIJI FINLAND FRANCE GABON GEORGIA GERMANY GHANA GREECE GREEN CABLE GRENADA GUATEMALA GUINEA GUINEA-BISSAU GUYANA HAITI HONDURAS HONG KONG HUNGARY ICELAND IEMEN INDIA INDONESIA IRAN IRAQ IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAMAICA JAPAN JORDAN KAZAKHSTAN KENYA KIRIBATI KUWAIT KYRGYZSTAN LAOS LATVIA LEBANON LESOTHO LIBERIA LIBYA LIECHENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACAU MACEDONIA MADAGASCAR MALAWI MALAYSIA MALDIVES MALI MALTA MARSHALL ISLANDS MAURITANIA MAURITIUS MEXICO MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATE) MOLDOVA MONACO MONGOLIA MONTENEGRO MOROCCO MOZAMBIQUE MYANMAR NAMIBIA NAURU NEPAL NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND NICARAGUA NIGER NIGERIA NORWAY OMAN OTHER PAKISTAN PALAU PANAMA PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA PARAGUAY PERU PHILIPPINES POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR REPUBLIC OF KOREA ROMANIA RUSSIA RWANDA SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS SAINT LUCIA SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES SAMOA SAN MARINO SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA SENEGAL SERBIA SEYCHELLES SIERRA LEONE SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOLOMON ISLANDS SOMALIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SRI LANKA SUDAN SURINAME SWAZILAND SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SYRIA TAIWAN TAJIKISTAN THAILAND THE COSTA RICAN THE GAMBIA THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC DEM. FROM KOREA TOGO TONGA TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO TUNISIA TURKEY TURKMENISTAN TUVALU UGANDA UKRAINE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA URUGUAY UZBEKISTAN VANUATU VATICAN CITY VENEZUELA VIETNAM ZAIRE (REPUBLIC DEM. FROM THE CONGO) ZAMBIA ZIMBABWE (This question is mandatory) Email Please check the format of your answer. (This question is mandatory) Schooling (in complete years) Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Up to 4 years of schooling From 5 to 9 years of schooling From 9 to 11 years of schooling 12 years of schooling University education (This question is mandatory) Areas in which you have worked / have professional experience Check all that apply Please select at most 5 answers None Architects, Urbanists and Designers Biologists, Botanists, Zoologists Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineers Industrial, Civil, Mechanical, Mining and Metallurgical Engineers Agronomists, Forestry and Environment Engineers Experts in Finance, Accounting, Management, Marketing and Public Relations Legal and Social Affairs Specialists (Lawyers, Economists, Psychologists, Journalists, Translators, etc.) Physicians, Chemists, Mathematicians and Staticists General Doctors and Specialists Nurses and Nursing Assistants Pharmaceuticals Health professionals (Physiotherapists, Nutritionists, Therapists, etc.) Health Assistants and Family Helpers Veterinarians and Veterinary Assistants Teachers Education Assistants Analysts and Developers (software, web and applications) Information Technology Experts and Operators Telecommunications technicians Cultural and Religious Activity Technicians (Librarians, Museum Curators, Photographers, Decorators, etc.) Artists and Performing Arts Workers Physical Activity and Sports Technicians (Athletes, Coaches, Instructors, etc.) Clerks, Administrative and Secretaries Call center personnel and telephone station staff Chefs & Cooks Kitchen Helpers and Meal Preparators Bakers, Pastry Chefs and Confectioners Waiters and Bartenders Hotel receptionists Hairdressers, beauticians, massage therapists and similar activities Sales Assistant and Cash Pperators Protection and Security Services personnel (guards, concierges, etc.) Agriculture, Animal Production and Forest Workers Fisheries and Aquaculture Workers Extractive, Processing and Construction Industries Commissionaires Workers in the Construction of Basic Structures (Bricklayers, Pavers, Reinforced Concrete, Carpenters) Construction Finishing Workers (Tilers, Plasterers, Plumbers, Painters, etc.) Metallurgy Workers, Metalworking (Structure Assemblers, Welders, Locksmiths, etc) Electricity and Electronic Workers Food Processing Workers (Meat and Fish preparers, Canners, etc.) Garment and Footwear Industry Workers (Tailors, Shoemakers, etc.) Machinery Operators in the Extractive, Processing and Civil Construction Industries Machine and Vehicles Mechanics and Repairers Warehouse & Logistics Employees Train Drivers and similar activities Passager Car, Vans and Motorcycles Drivers Lorry and Bus Drives Cleaning and Household Workers Unskilled workers (This question is mandatory) Professional area in which you are looking for a job Check all that apply Please select at most 3 answers Architects, Urbanists and Designers Biologists, Botanists, Zoologists Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineers Industrial, Civil, Mechanical, Mining and Metallurgical Engineers Agronomists, Forestry and Environment Engineers Experts in Finance, Accounting, Management, Marketing and Public Relations Legal and Social Affairs Specialists (Lawyers, Economists, Psychologists, Journalists, Translators, etc.) Physicians, Chemists, Mathematicians and Staticists General Doctors and Specialists Nurses and Nursing Assistants Pharmaceuticals Health professionals (Physiotherapists, Nutritionists, Therapists, etc.) Health Assistants and Family Helpers Veterinarians and Veterinary Assistants Teachers Education Assistants Analysts and Developers (software, web and applications) Information Technology Experts and Operators Telecommunications technicians Cultural and Religious Activity Technicians (Librarians, Museum Curators, Photographers, Decorators, etc.) Artists and Performing Arts Workers Physical Activity and Sports Technicians (Athletes, Coaches, Instructors, etc.) Clerks, Administrative and Secretaries Call center personnel and telephone station staff Chefs & Cooks Kitchen Helpers and Meal Preparators Bakers, Pastry Chefs and Confectioners Waiters and Bartenders Hotel receptionists Hairdressers, beauticians, massage therapists and similar activities Sales Assistant and Cash Pperators Protection and Security Services personnel (guards, concierges, etc.) Agriculture, Animal Production and Forest Workers Fisheries and Aquaculture Workers Extractive, Processing and Construction Industries Commissionaires Workers in the Construction of Basic Structures (Bricklayers, Pavers, Reinforced Concrete, Carpenters) Construction Finishing Workers (Tilers, Plasterers, Plumbers, Painters, etc.) Metallurgy Workers, Metalworking (Structure Assemblers, Welders, Locksmiths, etc) Electricity and Electronic Workers Food Processing Workers (Meat and Fish preparers, Canners, etc.) Garment and Footwear Industry Workers (Tailors, Shoemakers, etc.) Machinery Operators in the Extractive, Processing and Civil Construction Industries Machine and Vehicles Mechanics and Repairers Warehouse & Logistics Employees Train Drivers and similar activities Passager Car, Vans and Motorcycles Drivers Lorry and Bus Drives Cleaning and Household Workers Unskilled workers (This question is mandatory) Years of professional experience Choose one of the following answers Please choose... 0-1 2-3 4-5 6-9 10 + (This question is mandatory) Language knowledge Check all that apply Portuguese English French Spanish Other: (This question is mandatory) Contact language Choose one of the following answers Please choose... Portuguese English French Declaration of commitment Read carefully the text below: Check all that apply Please select 3 answers I declare on my honror that the informayion provided is true and that i am aware that false statements or inaccuracies in completing the form may lead to the rejection of the application for a Job Search Visa. I accept that the data contained in this form are shared with Portuguese authorities responsible for the assignment of the Job Search Visa, in particular with the Consular Services. I authorize IEFP to share the data contained in this form with companies that have submitted job offers compatible with my profession/qualifications. Submit Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey ×